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13:49 27/11/2015

Jiwan-Liu didn't contact me. I was hoping he could give us more info.

18:37 25/11/2015

Hi 4unme, any news from liu ?

18:35 25/11/2015

Hi, 4unme

08:35 09/11/2015
20:39 08/11/2015

ok, need your email

20:04 08/11/2015

Legal action against BOD. I'm not going to say anything more on this public forum. If you want to help or want to know more email me.

20:51 06/11/2015

against who? ami is gone , people to , some C left , working fo Shan Steel Sierra Leone

20:49 06/11/2015

Then, investors like us can take legal actions.?

16:32 06/11/2015

If you have any internal information on why AMI went to admin? Deloitte could look into it and then report to various authorities. Then, investors like us can take legal actions.

21:16 05/11/2015

what could help admin?
