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soi 29 Sep 2016

Re: So why sell note issued ? Good MorningGoldman Sachs have a sell note on it, target sp down to 300 from their previous 340 target.I think JPM also have a sell note on it.Although aware of the notes, I pay little heed to them.I think ADN is a sound company.I trade it regularly.ATBsoi

Hardboy 28 Sep 2016

Re: So why sell note issued ? Who issued the sell note?

sage in the hills 27 Sep 2016

So why sell note issued ? ..... what are the views ?.......SAGE

Hardboy 27 Sep 2016

Martin Gilbert I've just been watching him on Bloomberg. he could do with a hair-cut and it looked like the shirt he was wearing was half a collar size too small for him (either that or he's been putting on a bit of weight, and he didn't look quite as healthy as last time I saw him.) But he came across as relaxed and on the ball as ever. He wasn't especially bullish on anything; but I do find it reassuring whenever I see him interviewed - he always deals with specific questions directly (no matter how silly) and is good at putting things into perspective - gives me the feeling that he is one of the better people to trust with one's money.

Omaha man 12 Aug 2016

Re: High Volume "stake building?"Allowing for both sides of the trade it's less than 0.1% of the issued capital. Much more likely it's just someone who has had a good run in the shares top-slicing; while good demand still exists.

sound money 11 Aug 2016

Re: High Volume stake building?M

Hardboy 10 Aug 2016

High Volume Today. Not a big price movement though & no obvious news.

Omaha man 27 Jul 2016

Re: It can only get better ... That's true, but equally it would be misleading to attribute the assets to where they were invested at a particular point in time because it could have changed by the time you actually release the figures. That type of mandate shouldn't be affected by individual market movements, only by the performance of the manager relative to benchmark.

Hardboy 26 Jul 2016

Re: It can only get better ... Omaha,Thanks for the explanation. I sort of knew the answer. It was just that trying to analyse AUM into type of asset and geographic origination the 2 headings are as good as useless; because you don't know what they are; and they are large proportions of the total.

NumberONE 26 Jul 2016

ADN vs EMG Quite amazing contrast between the recent updates from these two :1) Man Group (EMG) - Net inflow but AuM down (asset depreciation) ...people are paying them fees to lose their money2) ADN - Net outflows but AuM up ...seems to have a better money making strategy but failing to attract the cashGlad I'm in ADN at the moment ... this BREXIT is a bit dicey (even for the professionals judging by the recent results) ...

Omaha man 26 Jul 2016

Re: It can only get better ... "I mean what are "Multi Assets" and "Quantitative Investments""Multi-assets will be mandates where they have the ability to invest in a range of asset classes. Most UK pension funds used to take this route, giving the asset manager the ability to move between equities bonds and property, UK and overseas.Quantitative investments can liability matching - eg where the manager is given free rein to invest in any asset class to ensure that they have a given amount of assets to meet a known liability profile. So a lot of UK pension funds have been trying to remove the risk of their DB pension schemes by creating liability matching structures. Quant investments will also include funds which don't have any conventional assets but operate exclusively in the derivatives markets - these may even be net short, which would be a nightmare to include in an AUM breakdown.

Hardboy 25 Jul 2016

Re: It can only get better ... Having refreshed my brain - it all depends on how you analyse their assets under management.In Equity Assets it's 5% UK, 2% US, 2% Europe; but Equities are only 27% of their total AUM. In Fixed Income Assets it's 41% UK. 9% US, 3% Europe; and bonds are 23% of AUMIn Property 55% UK, 22% Continental Europe & 22% Nordic Area. Property is only 7% of AUM.The biggest area of AUM is "Solutions" which apart from the "Alternatives" is a bit obscure. I mean what are "Multi Assets" and "Quantitative Investments"So looking at total AUM the far east and emerging markets are less significant, but in their equities they are dominant.

NumberONE 25 Jul 2016

Re: It can only get better ... I think it may be that you are referring to AuM by Client Domicile (i.e. investor base) rather than where the money is actually invested .. there are slides on this in last years annual results presentation. I am pretty sure (certainly in Equities) that most investments are in Emerging Markets and Asia...

weblogic 25 Jul 2016

Re: It can only get better ... Actually the numbers are nearer 15% for US and under 10% for Asia & Middle East I believe, with UK and EU making up about 75%.. according to their website.

NumberONE 25 Jul 2016

Re: It can only get better ... Weblogic - where do you get your AuM figures from?From last years annual report the Equity AuM is predominantly emerging markets based (believe it's largest fee earner). Fixed Income AuM seems to be more UK / Europe centric. But lets wait and see .... think ADN flows will start to revert next quarter as institutions re-position ....
