keith4's Posts

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19:41 29/05/2015

I just got a email from Lord Lucan surprise

12:58 29/05/2015

To spitfire and all the other idiot,s watch this space not a loons day take off ready for mtv now not long now and the idiots will be gone soon

12:52 29/05/2015

Big big contract news on byod wenesday next week big big news from the inside

11:57 29/05/2015

8p a share on its way very very soon be rolling in loads of money. Clean undies soon

11:48 29/05/2015

We're have all the t ossers gone this is some body very very big or very. Big news to do with Boyd fingers crossed but at lest we have got rid of all the idiot,s blue day great news

19:27 28/05/2015

Big big news due tomorrow morning massive rns get loading up not long now byod

13:08 28/05/2015

Pump and dump stock stay well clear of this as Fastjet ripped long term shareholders off big time pump and dump stock this

13:05 28/05/2015

I just had a ten p top up

12:11 28/05/2015

Umtd are you selling out and how about your egm you were on about not loon now we will have our day great day for a massive top up look at the positive this company is going to boom

06:28 28/05/2015

2p a share today on big big big breaking news get ready for it big big big news today not long now
