Patagonia Gold Live Discussion

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Keysi 21 Sep 2015

Am i the only one left ?? Has everyone gone ?

firewire1 21 Aug 2015

Re: What on earth 450k volume, £8k worth of trades all look like buys and it wipes 10% off the value of the company....crazy.

RedFrameWhiteLight 21 Aug 2015

What on earth Change of officeDown 13.33% (low, low volume)Is this the start of the end for us here, can the costs of being listed and all that entails really be viable at this price?Bon chance all who keep the faith

Antiques Of Woodstock 30 Jul 2015

Re: For AoW Good Evening AoW,I've had another communication with my mining engineer.....20 years with Rio Tinto......with the state price at is it, I see no downside into publishing this. Basically ...he assesses the grades and concentrations of PGDs core samples as so good as to be suspicious ....except that they have been published....and we have the Brancote past history.With the share price as it is at present ....I see no harm in suggesting that you might use your "pull" with the board in asking for the full credentials and resume of the " accredited person" who signed said reports .....For we are either sitting on an incredible scam .......or the most undervalued gold bonanza.As regards Heathrow btw...Uncle Boris suggestion is the best.....undermined by whether the UK can do a Hong Kong,and build,a new mega airport ( from the sea!) with super fast,and working,links a year ! Gatwick a non starter ........people forget's had an extra parallel runway for years ! Demand so low...that use it as a taxi way. It's had a major unused parallel runway for 15 years. Used as a taxi way due market forcesWe must share a glass some day old boy!Biggles---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --Good morning Biggles21I too believe that our recently announced gold grades and concentrations demonstrate huge potential - and I whilst I have zero 'pull' with our BOD other than perhaps by scribing the occasional uncomfortable post/email or phone call which are totally ignored which in truth is unacceptable as I own (as do we all) part of the company for which our management work - I have no concerns about the 'accredited person' who has come up with those figures purely because to falsify such information would effectively be the end of PGD with all future credibility lost let alone the legal ramifications.Having said that - when BH went to the markets to raise money the last time around at more than double the current share price (a placing in which I did not participate for reasons stated at the time) - doing so on the promise that the money would be used among other things for 'commencement of phase 1 of the heap leach processing facility at Cap-Oeste, including procurement of long lead items'. We all know that as soon as the money was raised that this 'reason for raising the funds' was 'scrapped' which decimated the remaining confidence that the markets had in this company - thus the current market cap/share price.PGD is being valued by the markets as a company with no potential - although us long suffering shareholders know that we most likely have double our published resources and as a 'last roll of the dice' our management are trying to add to our resource figure - BUT - IMO even if we do double our resource figure the markets will not be impressed because they do not believe that we have the funding or ability to bring that gold to production - so like last time around when we doubled our resource figure the share price actually fell as those trading sold into the short term rise.Three ways out of this mess as I see it: 1. Once we have added substantially to our resource figure bring in an experienced well funded third party to take us from where we sit to production which will cost us a percentage of that gold play - basically farm-out.2. Break the company's into bite sized pieces and sell off the gold play/s with the most potential similar to what Barrick decided to do when they offloaded to us.3. The 'Concert Party' buys out the company taking it into private hands and then raises the funds required to move forward from those private shareholders substantial personal asset base.IMO BH mismanaged this company with huge incompetence with no understanding of the markets and the importance of keeping the city onside - believing that it was enough to sink holes in the right spot and find gold. Wha

ajinbali777 30 Jul 2015

Re: Gold going up to $16000? Just a thought after reading the current string on this bb. Some time ago there was considerable communication regarding "paper gold" and gold covered tungsten as holders of gold bullion (for themselves and for others) sold gold which they no longer physically held (surely our nice banking friends wouldn't do that!!). Since then there has been calls from several countries wanting their gold back from these "holding "banks. Gold which they have not been allowed to see apparently and gold which it seems takes a long time to repatriate! Now what if these holding banks were now forcing the POG down so they could buy in gold which they don't have anymore so satisfy physical gold demands? I know, I know our nice bankers would never influence the price of any exchange rate or commodity!! But if they could, and satisfy their physical gold requirements, there would be a good case for eventually letting the brakes off the POG in order to recoup some of their outlay...surely not one would have to say. Anyhow this is pure dream world thoughts because we trust our major banking chaps!! I will head for my own watering bolt hole in order to remain calm and collective lol.All theory of course...GLA

biggles21 30 Jul 2015

For AoW Good Evening AoW,I've had another communication with my mining engineer.....20 years with Rio Tinto......with the state price at is it, I see no downside into publishing this. Basically ...he assesses the grades and concentrations of PGDs core samples as so good as to be suspicious ....except that they have been published....and we have the Brancote past history. With the share price as it is at present ....I see no harm in suggesting that you might use your "pull" with the board in asking for the full credentials and resume of the " accredited person" who signed said reports .....For we are either sitting on an incredible scam .......or the most undervalued gold bonanza.As regards Heathrow btw...Uncle Boris suggestion is the best.....undermined by whether the UK can do a Hong Kong,and build,a new mega airport ( from the sea!) with super fast,and working,links a year ! Gatwick a non starter ........people forget's had an extra parallel runway for years ! Demand so low...that use it as a taxi way. It's had a major unused parallel runway for 15 years. Used as a taxi way due market forces We must share a glass some day old boy!Biggles

shugg1e 24 Jul 2015

Re: Gold going up to $16000? what year? 2050

Antiques Of Woodstock 24 Jul 2015

Re: Gold going up to $16000? Good morning AllWith the POG currently sitting at $1083 oz and many purportedly 'in the know' believing that the price will fall below $1000 oz - the belief that gold will rise to $16000 oz any time soon is pure fantasy.However - if currencies collapsed resulting in no exchange rate mechanism - then gold would substitute fiat currency and be used as a means to facilitate trade and pay for goods. Should that occur - the POG would be irrelevant as it would not be 'pegged' against any currency - as currency would be worthless.The world's monetary system is fragile and relies on no more than a 'collective belief' that the currencies which we accept as a means of payment facilitates a discharge of debt. One of the main reasons why not just Germany and France but also the USA were keen to prop up the Euro and find a resolution to the recent Greek situation. Whether lending an insolvent country additional money to enable it to pay the outstanding interest owed on an existing debt is sensible or not is irrelevant - because the greater concern was the potential collapse or weakening of the Euro - which our 'fearless leaders' wanted to preserve at all costs.As to what happens in the future - just the same as has happened throughout history with the weak continuing to get 'squeezed' while the strong continue to prosper.In truth we are all 'pawns' in a big game of chess - manipulation of commodity and precious metal prices enables the 'powers that be' to keep the rest of us in control. Whether one is a conspiracy theorist or not - it is easy to see what is happening and whilst we are led to believe that we all have free will - in truth we are all 'herded' into a direction that those which make the rules under which we are bound believe that we should take.If any of you happen to live in South East England - look at the massive over subscribed residential developments that are springing up along the M23/A23 corridor - literally 1000's of new homes every year yet the banks are not willing to lend any higher multiples of income to facilitate purchases of these properties - So who is moving into them and how are they paying for them? The answer is lies with the fact that a decision has been made by Central Government to over populate this area (which makes me believe that another runway will be built at Gatwick rather than Heathrow ignoring recent recommendations) and through financial juggling with incentives being offered by house builders - Government assistance and joint ownership schemes - the social engineering plan is in force to move people to a geographical location of the Government’s choice.AOW currently in the French ‘bolt hole’ making plans for the future but still having time to cast a fly on the River Aveyron and haul out a few chub most evenings whilst preparing the farmhouse for the first set of ‘renters’ who are due to arrive tomorrow evening providing they can make it past ‘Operation Stack’ on the M20 at the beginning of their journeyEnough from me.Good luck all…

BarneyCool 21 Jul 2015

Re: Gold going up to $16000? he's been on the wacky backy!

the rag 19 Jul 2015

Gold going up to $16000? Anyone care to comment on this?[link]

biggles21 21 Jun 2015

Re: Mining Reserves Interesting points AoW. There is much argument about price paid for indicated and inferred resources....presumably based on potential, which in PGDs case would auger well given the bonanza grades. How relevant this is I don't know , but Brancote was paid $184 per oz, at a gold price of $300 per oz. Is it fair to suppose that with a gold price of $1200 per oz, that Cap Oeste ( currently 1 million oz) would fetch 4 times that per oz, therefore $730 per oz, therefore a theoretical $730million ?? Get drilling boys, we need another million oz ! Pure supposition but positive posting was requested !

RedFrameWhiteLight 15 Jun 2015

Strange Offer of 1,392,065 shares at 2.50 and then 38 shares at 3.20 both put on the book at 13:500We would appear to be in auction @ 2.50Strange!

ajinbali777 15 Jun 2015

Re: Mining Reserves While I fully agree with opti regarding more positive postings for PGD, I was greatly disturbed on reading the directors listing published in a recent release from PGD. Everyone of them now is a bean counter or near equivalent and there they sit on a exploration/mining company! The only "miner" is listed as management. Such a concentration of money men on the BOD can only mean (IMHO) that "growing shareholder value" now means that the various sale/takeover scenarios as outlined by AoW are more likely than digging gold out of the ground! How this will convert to shareholder value heaven alone knows, although I bet the BOD will be well looked after for their roles in the months ahead.I hope some way can be found to really produce gold on an economically strong basis as I have now passed 20 years with this company! So I think qualify as an old timer , as for Ms Twain....I literally bumped into her in a super market in Switzerland...very pleasant lady

biggles21 15 Jun 2015

Re: Mining Reserves Many thanks AoW. Erudite as ever. I was most interested in the engineers explanation of inning Resources, for at some time they have to be assessed , no one will start a mine without them .I suspect the predator does them. The other factor is that grades are almost too good ! They really are bonanza . Anyway, what you suggest is of course, the more likely prospect. Drill and prospect and sell Cap Oeste a la Brancote .....and start again with a new company and the rump ? After 15 years, the oooooold timers on this board can all meet and share a glass and put a face to the names ! You'll recognise me , plaid shirt. ZZ Top beard, chawimg tobaccy and ma mule with ma prospectin tools.....ridin' the range once more, totin' my old 44 ! ( Navy Colt for them that youngsters) ...and Shania Twain does love me .she just plays hard to get.Ok Officer, I'll come quietly....

Antiques Of Woodstock 13 Jun 2015

Re: Mining Reserves Q for AoW ...I imagine the Stock Exchange and the law would look dimly on a privatization then sale concealing mining reserves ? Secondly could they be concealed...surely too many people would be in the know ?All pure speculation but Id be interested in the thoughts of the worthy commentators on this board.---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------Good afternoon Biggles21Sadly I could not make this year's AGM due to me having to travel to France from where I am writing this post.With regard to the recent core samples they were good and from what I understand we are looking to drill around those areas with a view to adding a substantial resource upgrade - so if all goes according to plan - we could see a doubling of resources possibly more. Finger's crossed on this for all shareholders.With regard to the Privatisation issue - whilst i totally accept that it may not be the intention of Carlos or the Concert Party to take the company private - irrelevant of how the vote would swing and whether the 75% majority to facilitate this would be gained or not - the problem remains that by having a Concert Party in place with such a large percentage shareholding the markets are 'twitchy' and will not want the share price to rise to a point where the Concert Party could potentially buy the company at a lesser price - thus the reason why we are sitting where we do today at current company valuation.IMO our only hope is to sell the assets of the company in the future in 'bite sized pieces' - rather than looking to sell the entire company.Let me explain my thinking.No PLC is going to get shareholder approval to buy any company for say 1000% of it's current market value - that just is not going to happen how ever much we would wish otherwise. However - if a company is offloading an asset - say an asset which is a huge gold play with a substantial resource attached - then that asset will be valued on it's own merit - not as a collective valuation within an existing company structure which the markets are massively undervaluing. Thus my above comment.As to your two questions for me ...I imagine the Stock Exchange and the law would look dimly on a privatization then sale concealing mining reserves? Secondly could they be concealed...surely too many people would be in the know? Not knowing much about the conversion of resource into reserves - I would imagine that this would be down to the way that the figures are processed with the degree of risk being attributed and one professional's opinion with regard to rates of recovery achievable may differ from that of another. No doubt those looking to acquire such a gold play would want the lowest figures to work from - those looking to sell would want the highest figures to 'bump up the price'.So to answer your questions - IMO the Stock Exchange will not want to become embroiled in the technicalities of interpretation of reserve figures when one 'experts' opinion will differ from that of an other. However I have no doubt that anyone who is seriously considering buying out any gold play would want to make damn sure that once acquired - the gold play could be developed with gold being produced at a cost and for long enough to ensure a decent return on capital expenditure - normal business principles.IF the company is not going to be taken private by the Concert Party - which may well never have been their intention though the rules surrounding their 'substantial percentage shareholding' does mean that they HAVE TO MAKE A BID for the company whenever they buy just one more share - unless a special resolution is passed by the company to prevent this necessity as happened the last time around - then I feel that the best way forward is to prove that Cap Oeste is loaded with gold with a 'punchy' resource figure to match and then to sell that gold play as a 'one off' for it'