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11:50 13/04/2015

Thanks for that Godot, you are managing to maintain postivity where i am beginning to struggle. Granted no news on farmout means nothing has changed in that respect i.e. it is still on. I still cant help feeling a bit negative especially when new brokers expectations on share price are now are 80p as opposed to £6.50 or even £23. I only averaged down to £1.50 then gave up as it felt as if i was pouring money into a bucket with a hole in the bottom. Feels like i am definitely going to lose on this one and am tempted just to pull the plug on it now. Anyway good luck!

10:46 13/04/2015

Godot, be interested to hear your up to date views on PVR now, cheers

16:57 08/04/2015

Apparently the market cap of PVR is £40m........they must nearly have that in the bank. It would seem the market is valuing all the prospects at nothing

10:50 03/04/2015

Ecoboy I'm pretty sure most people will find that comment derogatory if not offensive. The guys on the other board can't see your comment, your best going over to iii for an argument, some people bought in here at £5, now circa 25p with 100% dilution, do I need to draw diagrams???

14:52 20/03/2015

Thanks very much for the postings Spuddy and please relay same to your DAD! Without joining the pessimistic side I dont take the ii's being happy as any type of comfort. These are the same people or type of people who bought in at £4 or £5, so their judgement is not fullproof. This will form part of the high risk end of an ii's portfolio and is definitely worth a gamble at these prices. I suspect they are delighted to have a chance of such a large piece of a potentially big pie for such small stakes. To me nothing else has changed today other than approx a 50% dilution of any returns

12:27 18/03/2015

Hahaha, these guys on the other board are actually hilarious

09:42 09/03/2015

I would have thought they have direct knowledge about a deal which will definitely effect the share price, in fact they are the decision maker about the deal. Would seem unfair to the public blindly trading the shares. Anyway it may not be the case. A stake in exola would be a different story, but that would be more a part of the terms of the farm in. Think i am going to do the same lerrab, in for a penny in for a pound........will help the average if nothing else..

09:17 09/03/2015

Not sure about that one spuddy, is there not a conflict of interest between them participating in the deal and owning shares which will appreciate?

02:23 08/03/2015

Sorry but can someone please explain, if the institutional shares are over subscribed how can people buy 20x there original shareholding?

14:05 06/03/2015

The remarkable thing about this share is that the price seems to have stabilised, interesting that the sellers dont seem to want to drive it below the placement price............
