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23:03 28/10/2015

well said petebo on lse that Saltdome and Spammers are gobby cowards lol in fact they are a pair of caants

13:49 26/10/2015

LSE stream not working? Looking over there the usual cockroaches are out in force ... SaltDome, Wehatespammers, mikeboy ... now joined by OMADAWN another loser that has sold at a massive loss and instead of moving on is now a bitter troll like the other bellends mentioned.

09:40 05/10/2015

So after promising to leave that bell-end called Wehatespammers on the lse board has gone nowhere. Probably got lonely in his sad life without compny of other trolls brikcet and Saltdome

18:24 03/10/2015

Don't worry WHS, you're troll bumchums bricket and SaltDome will no doubt carry on where you left off. You sad fckers - not even invested here and flood the message boards with shiite.

18:22 03/10/2015

Wehatespammers on lse is crying like a little biaatch because the admin won't allow him troll the board. LOL.

17:41 22/09/2015

oh dear one more dummy appears as mikeboy joins team troll on lse - a bumchum of Wehatespammers obviously

00:28 22/09/2015

On the iii board, Ace08 and booster11 are clearly the resident trolls and also utter bellends.

00:15 22/09/2015

Just like to reiterate to genuine shareholders that SaltDome, Wehatespammers and bricket on the LSE discussion board are complete and utter bellends.

11:35 17/09/2015

Message to Jimmyrobby85 - you are wasting your time arguing with idiots such as SaltDome, Wehatespammers and bricket! They are not interested in facts only in disrupting the discussion boards!

08:39 17/09/2015

Add bricket and Wehatespammers to the idiot list. Very unfunny trolls
