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10 Jul 2019

{{{{__LIMPOPO TZANEEN ___+27788676511 }}}}buy SSD chemical Solution :::is the main chemical

{{{{__LIMPOPO TZANEEN ___+27788676511 }}}}buy SSD chemical Solution :::is the main chemical used in cleaning stained and coated currency. It is mainly found in 1 litre, 1,5litre and two litre metal insulated containers. it is necessary to keep it in such SSD Solution is a milky white liquid chemical Compound used in the cleaning of black stained notes, this chemical compound can be enhanced by adding other catalyst oxides and can be diluted with paste to Black Coated and stained money can be impossible to clean to be legal tender especially if you are using the wrong kind of chemicals. The condition of the coated money matters as this determines what kind of chemical is to be used at what ratio the mix should be composed of.

{{{{__LIMPOPO TZANEEN ___+27788676511 }}}}buy SSD chemical Solution :::is the main chemical used in cleaning stained and coated currency. It is mainly found in 1 litre, 1,5litre and two litre metal insulated containers. it is necessary to keep it in such SSD Solution is a milky white liquid chemical Compound used in the cleaning of black stained notes, this chemical compound can be enhanced by adding other catalyst oxides and can be diluted with paste to Black Coated and stained money can be impossible to clean to be legal tender especially if you are using the wrong kind of chemicals. The condition of the coated money matters as this determines what kind of chemical is to be used at what ratio the mix should be composed of.

SWAZILAND+27788676511 ,,//%We Supply The Best SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION FOR CLEANING BLACK MONEY AND ACTIVATION POWDER FOR DEFACE CURRENCY. We have SSD automatic chemical solution for cleaning black money and any color of defaced currency Available in our laboratories worldwide. Our S.S.D Automatic solution is also used in the cleaning of stained bank notes with anti breeze quality, bills like USD, euro, pounds and other local currencies. We are direct manufacturer and main supplier of all kinds of chemicals which include SSD Solution , Super Automatic Solution. We have different types of chemicals that can perfectly clean out your Deface note, Black note , Red notes , Green notes , Stained notes , Stamped notes and also coded notes. We also melt frozen chemicals in our laboratory and our services are professional We thus Provide legal document for all our products WhatsApp us +27788676511

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