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15:55 18/07/2014

It will only take a bit of good news and the price will easily rise above 2p

15:54 18/07/2014

West Med has to be drilled this year I think or they lose the licence isn’t that right? If there are billions of barrels of oil there that will be a game changer

15:53 18/07/2014

VOG is undervalued and that can only because of the state of play between VOG and RSM. If RSM get removed from the picture the SP will rise sharply

15:51 18/07/2014

I think you are too pessimistic. The company is well on the way to showing some real profit. The drilling under the river is likely to have started or at least getting there. RSM may well lose any court action if they get taken to court and may get the previous decision giving them shares in the gas field revoked.

12:52 18/07/2014

RSM shares of VOG that is

12:51 18/07/2014

I think there is an attempt by Kevin Too to deliberately keep the VOG sp in order to try and make a take over bid of RSM

12:49 18/07/2014

Surely if they did the company would be worth several billion pounds instead of just 70 million

12:48 18/07/2014

It would be great to see VOG drilling there and producing oil.

12:47 18/07/2014

Is it true that the other great asset of VOG in Russia, West Med, is the biggest shale oil field in the world?

16:58 10/07/2014

Voger.... What is foo's email as I want to tell him to pull his finger out of his backside!