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16:34 10/03/2015

Anyone here believe that SolGold prospects depend not on hole strike speculation or Nick Mather blather but on the mining politics of Ecuador, which involve China and U.S.A. involvement

16:07 25/02/2015

EarAche, if the situation is as dire as you believe can you explain why the share price is 60% higher than it was two weeks ago?

16:04 25/02/2015

Welcome back EarAche, the profit of doom

15:05 23/02/2015

Ecuador announces new Mines Minister and $400m mining funding program. But SolGold is not mentioned in the cooper mines list. Anybody know why? See El Comercio newspaper link [link]

09:37 23/02/2015

If anyone from LSE is reading this can you please point out that EricEric has created yet another false broker's note to fit in with his SolGold bashing agenda on Friday. He should be banned from LSE.

09:22 23/02/2015

A search for EricEric's broker's note on Google throws up nothing, I expect if I try again next week it will be exactly the same, just like his last false broker's note.

09:16 23/02/2015

Another false broker note EarAche? (EricEric)

10:13 20/02/2015

PricPric back to gloat, you are so predictable, why are you here?

17:17 18/02/2015

sp goes down when gold price is under 1200 and going lower

08:10 18/02/2015

Oh no the grim repear EarAche is back with his gloating!
